Saturday, June 4, 2016

Friday, June 3, 2016

WHO’S HIDING Behind the Fence


Here is Paper Napkin BUTTERFLIES.

Things you need:-
1. Peg or clothes pins
2. Tissue Paper pack.
3.Water colours.
4.Water colour Brush.

Mermaids from wooden clothespins and clams

Here is cute Mermaids from wooden clothespins and clams.

Let’s go fishing

Ladybug Crafts with wooden clothespins

Here is beautiful Ladybug Crafts with wooden clothespins.

Kids Workshop BukvArt

It is super Kids Workshop BukvArt. you can do this activity at school.

HOLD ON to your love

This is beautiful HOLD ON to your love.You can hang it anywhere in your house even you can use this idea as valentine's day gift.

Fishbone with wooden clothespins

This is beautiful Fishbone with wooden clothespins,Kids love this activity. you can apply at home and school too.

Stone Art

Egg Carton Penguins

This is most cute Egg Carton Penguins.