Monday, May 27, 2013


This Father's Day, help the Dad in your life wear his heart on his sleeve- coffee sleeve, that is! Now when Dad's at work he can warm his hand and his heart every time he takes a sip! Why not suprise Dad with this fun little gift along with a gift card to his favorite coffee shop! Proud mamas- feel free to take advantage of this modern "brag book" opportunity as well!

What you'll need...

About a 16" square piece of corduroy and fusible fleece, a small square of clear plastic (a piece from a heavy duty freezer bag is fine), a 3" strip of velcro, scissors, pen

You'll use a paper cup sleeve as your pattern, so please use this as an excuse to make a trip to the coffee shop!

1. On the WRONG side of the corduroy, trace 1" around all sides of the open coffee sleeve.

2. Cut this piece out and use it as a guide to trace and cut an additional piece like it from the corduroy as well as one from the fusible fleece. The paper coffee sleeve is not symmetrical, so be sure when cutting the second piece from the corduroy that when right sides are facing, the curves match.

3.Following the manufacturer's guidelines, fuse the fleece to the WRONG side of one of the fabric sleeve pieces.

4.Place the right sides of the corduroy pieces together and pin. Using a 3/8" seam, sew around the pieces leaving a 2" space for turning. Trim corners diagonally.

5. Reach into the space and turn the sleeve right-side-out, using the closed tip of your scissors to smoothe out the inner seams. Press the sleeve flat. Topstitch around the sleeve using a 1/8" seam allowance.

6. Wrap the sleeve around the cup to find the placement of the velcro strip. Pin the strips in place and sew onto the sleeve.

7. Prepare the 'frame'. Cut a 3" square of corduroy and a 3" square of fusible fleece. Fuse the fleece onto the wrong side of the corduroy. On the fleece side of the square, mark a 1/2" in on all sides, forming a 2" square in the middle. Carefully cut out this middle square. Using a 1/8" seam allowance, topstitch around the front of the frame.

8. Place the frame onto the center of the sleeve and attatch it by sewing down the sides and the bottom of the frame, using the topstitching as a guide.

9. Make a copy of one of your favorite photos of the kids and cut it to size to fit into the frame. Cut a square of clear plastic the same size to protect the picture from coffeeish fingerprints!

10. Slide the photo into the frame!

Don't you think my babies are adorable? Daddy's not bad either!

You could also put in photos of other things that Daddy loves!

Isn't it great that you can purchase the pattern for this project at the coffee shop? 

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